Dýisenbi, 6 Mamyr 2024
Janalyqtar 2881 0 pikir 18 Mamyr, 2009 saghat 06:53

Álemdik baspasóz

The New York Times, AQSh www.nytimes.com
The Times, Úlybritaniya www.thetimes.co.uk/
Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, AQSh www.rferl.com
Newsweek, AQSh www.newsweek.com/
Voice of America News, AQSh  www.voanews.com
Time, AQSh www.time.com/time
The Wall Street Journal, AQSh public.wsj.com/home.html
The Washington Post", AQSh  www.washingtonpost.com
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Germaniya www.faz.de
Berliner Zeitung, Germaniya www.berlinonline.de/berliner-zeitung
Deutsche Welle, Germaniya www.dw-world.de/german
The Sunday Times, Úlybritaniya www.sunday-times.co.uk
Jenimini jibao, Qytay www.people.com.cn/

The New York Times, AQSh www.nytimes.com
The Times, Úlybritaniya www.thetimes.co.uk/
Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, AQSh www.rferl.com
Newsweek, AQSh www.newsweek.com/
Voice of America News, AQSh  www.voanews.com
Time, AQSh www.time.com/time
The Wall Street Journal, AQSh public.wsj.com/home.html
The Washington Post", AQSh  www.washingtonpost.com
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Germaniya www.faz.de
Berliner Zeitung, Germaniya www.berlinonline.de/berliner-zeitung
Deutsche Welle, Germaniya www.dw-world.de/german
The Sunday Times, Úlybritaniya www.sunday-times.co.uk
Jenimini jibao, Qytay www.people.com.cn/

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